Maritime Research Panel

Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore,you will never know the terror of being forever lost at sea!!

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I write artical on weekly research basis & then upload it in my is a mix of various topic on maritime matters,the research topic changes with the my mind & interest but mainly focused in Life at sea,Maritime Industries and Ship Oparation.Thanks for visiting,See you again!

My Reasearch Based On Following Topic

Before you started,please go through this.its an overview of my reasearch prioroty.Based on these topic,i will upload artical later on,you can easily read those from my blogspot

Life at Sea

life at sea,It’s a great lifestyle if one is suited to it,but most people are need to be at once hardworking and serious but also lighthearted and have a good sense of humor .Living at sea is to be constantly in danger and constantly having to take that danger.anything can go wrong at any time.You need to have a serious view of the fact that people are trusting you with their lives while they sleep and you need to be on a crew that you trust with your own life while you sleep.its a lifestyle what ones have to develop within himself.

so before one go to sea one must have great knowledge of life at sea and this is my second prioroty

Maritime Industry

Professionals from inland shipping, shipbuilding,shipequipment,electronics,construction,bunkeringstations,trading and chartering and shipping companie every thing is a part of maritime industries,for better understand,anything related to the ocean,sea,ships,navigation of ship , seafarers ship owning and other related activities,Shipping Business, the act of carriage of cargo using the ships all falls under the Maritime industry.

Overthepastdecades,theshipping industry has grown exponentially,currently serving more than 90% of global trade.Under fixed shipping lines and a growing number of vessels sailing at as a mariner its also nesesary to know more and more about maritime industry,from that point of view i have chosen it as my third prioroty.

Ship Oparation

for ensuring safe & sound oparation of a merchant ship & cargo.There are basic thing which must follow,with 100 per accuracy,a single mistake can be disaster.its a huge responsibolity once can ever a merchant navy officer one must have to be expart on every corner of ship operation such as SafePassageplanning,cargooperation,Navigation,engine maintenence,ship behaivour,and lots of thing.

so,undoubtly it requries vast knowledge foraadventirousjourneyin sea otherwise sea is full off this my first prioroty.

We have another chance to navigate,perhaps in a slightly different way than we did yesterday.We cannot go back. But we can learn.

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The artical upload on weekly research is a mix of various topic on maritime matters,the research topic changes with the authors mind & interest but mainly focused in Life at sea,Maritime Industries and Ship Oparation.Thanks for visiting,See you again!

What is an Inert Gas or IG System on Ships? Points To Consider When Cleaning Cargo Tanks With IG System?Safety Precautions To Take While Handling Inert Gas System On Ships?

Inert Gas or IG System on Ships Oil tankers carry oil of different grades and quality, having the property to produce flammable vapours and gases when loaded for transportation. Even with no cargo on board, there can be harmful flammable gases present in the hold. When the vapour produced by an oil cargo is mixed…

What are Tanker Ships? Points To Consider For Efficient Tanker Ship Operations?Procedure to Fight Fire on Tanker Ship in a Terminal?Points to Remember After Completing Cargo Operations on Tankers?

What are Tanker Ships? Tankers have been one of the oldest types of merchant ships; the need for these vessels arising due to heterogeneous distribution of natural oil reserves and liquid chemicals around the globe.The most common types of tankers operating at sea are oil tankers. While it may seem that oil tankers generally carry oil, the fact…

What are Tanker Ships? Points To Consider For Efficient Tanker Ship Operations?Procedure to Fight Fire on Tanker Ship in a Terminal?Points to Remember After Completing Cargo Operations on Tankers?

What are Tanker Ships? Tankers have been one of the oldest types of merchant ships; the need for these vessels arising due to heterogeneous distribution of natural oil reserves and liquid chemicals around the globe.The most common types of tankers operating at sea are oil tankers. While it may seem that oil tankers generally carry oil, the fact…

Hazards On Oil Tanker Ship

The world runs on oil and so do the ships which transport this oil around the world.  The ships that are used for transportation of liquefied cargo in bulk are popularly known as tanker ships. Out of all tanker vessels sailing at sea, the most extensively used is the oil tanker ship. Oil Tankers can…

Important Jobs Deck Cadets Have To Perform On board Ships

While still in a maritime college, a deck cadet often wonders as to what his shipboard duties exactly are. Though there is no specific guidelines or deck cadet job description, the common answer to this intriguing question at college is that a cadet must assist the deck officers in the day-to-day operations of the vessel.…

What are the medical needs required for joining Merchant navy

Having the right education and passion for life at sea will not give you a career in the merchant navy. To join the Merchant Navy course, you must have the physical fitness and medical requirements to build your career on a ship. The candidate should be free from any kind of physical defect to interfere…


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Ahads journal a personal informational Web site created for the sole purpose of sharing the splendors of the seas and the wonders of the life at sea of mariner.The contents of this site are provided for the purpose of informing only and should not be used as or construed as professional scientific advice.This site represents the work of a single individual and is not formally associated with any entity,company,organization or institution.All statements and opinions on this web site are those of the accredited author unless otherwise noted.

The majority of the information presented has been compiled from various sources either from the internet or through personal knowledge & experience and is being updated at regular intervals.All of the information presented on Ahads Journal is accurate to the best of my knowledge.Any discrepancies should be brought to our attention by emailing me at the following email address.Please do not hesitate to contact me for any queries or ideas for improvement of the Ahads Journal.Unfortunately, the creator of the site mostly works alone on it and time is a limitation that is hard to overcome. All work on Ahads Journal is done in the evenings and weekends.I am bringing new sections of the site online as fast as i can get them created.

All content on this site is Copyright © 2020 by Ahadsjournal.All rights reserved.C1ontent from this Website may not be used in any form without permission from the site owner.The article or images can be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form with the permission of the ahadsjournal but only for education you know it takes so time and hardork to produce a informative presentation,so dont forget to give credit to ahads journal.Any information,Data and charts,if used, in the article have been sourced from available information and have not been authenticated by any statutory authority. The ahads journal do not claim it to be accurate nor accept any responsibility for the same

purpose of This Site

I am MD AHAD KHAN,initiator of this Channel,Age of 19,currently enrolled as a trainee officer Cadet at BANGLADESH MARINE ACADEMY understandably, as a merchant navy personal i have to spend a large part of my professional life on ships in the middle of the ocean but it also Gives me the opportunity to visit new and exotic places all around the globe in short span of time & see the World.Apart From my Profession Riding Bike bring me a sense of fun and freedom to life that help me to minimize the impact of chronic stress.At my early age,I was fond of cycling.Now i developed that same hobby as a passionate Biker,riding bike provide me an outlet for stress. During traveling to Others Country for my professional Cause and as a passionate bike rider,its become part of my Hobby & interest to freeze those incredible moment of life by photograph And Sharing Those with Other.when i share with others its actually like creating more joy,gratitude,trust,and community – not only for myselves,but also for the world.Sharing my photograph,feelings,life experience & other content through my website,YouTube or Facebook page helps me to release the emotions i have pent up inside.It helps me to document my life and journey of those umorous moments.It allows me to talk through my situation & point of view which may lead to understand me better,sort out my thoughts for a clear mind with decreased stress level. A million thanks to you for your Time&interest.Please let me know your opinion,it will be my great privelege.Your feedback,guidance,advice is also important in shaping my mistakes into skills

you can also Visit my website at>>ahadsjournal,Find me at Facebook >> Seaferer Journal, know me at>>AhadsBiography,and for more Content Please Visit my youtube channel & Shubscribe.Thanks For your Time & Support

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